CCL P.O Kedla PS - Mandu, Ramgarh - 825325 Ph. - 9229879641

Guidelines For The Parents  
Guidelines For Parents 
  1. Parent teacher contact and co-operation is essential for complete and harmonious development of the student’s personality.    
  2. Constant vigilance on the part of the parents/guardians pays rich dividends; please observe the following points in the interest of your ward.    
  3. The school diary should be used as a means of communication with the school by checking the  remarks, if any, made by the teachers.    
  4. Please see that your ward has all the text books, items of stationery, craft materials etc.    
  5. Please ensure that your ward comes to school in proper uniform.    
  6. Please ensure your child not to be absent from the school without proper leave application.    
  7. Please attend Parent-teacher meeting.    
  8. Change of address or telephone number should be intimated to the school office at the earliest.
Contact Us ↓

CCL, P.O - Kedla, PS - Mandu,
Distt.-Ramgarh (JH) - 825325

Ph. - 7292971121
E-mail : davkedla@gmail.com
Website : www.davkedla.in

Affiliation No.-3430105

School No:66300

UDISE NO: 20241208510

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