With the aim of unearthing the inborn talent and providing a conducive environment for the personality development of a child the school organises Inter-House Competition. Our students are distributed over four Houses : Dayanand, Hansraj, Shraddhanand and Vivekanand House. To develop a sense of competition and sportsmanship among the students house-wise competitions like debate, declamation, essay, quiz, solo/group songs, calligraphy, music dance, elocution, extempore, radio show, mono action, drawing, painting, fancy dress, one-act play and many more cultural, literary and athletic activities are organized round the clock and at the end of the year the House which performs the best in both academic and C.C.A. is awarded with the Winner Trophy.
Session: 2024-25
Co-ordinator: Mr. G. S. Ganguly
A promise should be made with caution and kept with care.
House Master: Mrs. Anita Bharti
Asst. House Master: Mr. G. S. Ganguly
Associate House Member: i) Mr. Shashi Kumar
ii) Mr. S.K.Sinha (Gr.Floor Fixed)
House Master: Mr. Rajesh Kumar
Asst. House Master: Mr. S. B. K. Pathak
Associate House Member: i) Mr. R. V. Prasad
ii) Mr. Bhawesh Kumar
House Master: Mr. B. K.Banerjee
Asst. House Master: Mr. A . K. Choudhary
Associate House Member: i) Mr. D.K.Sinha
ii) Mrs. S. Singh (Gr. Floor Fixed)
House Master: Mr. P. K. Verma
Asst. House Master: Mr. S.C. Rout
Associate House Member: i) Mrs. Asha Kumar
ii) Mr. Upendra Kumar