CCL P.O Kedla PS - Mandu, Ramgarh - 825325 Ph. - 9229879641

Guidelines For the Students  

Guidelines For The Students 

  1. Students must have school diary, text books, stationers, note books etc.    
  2. Books, magazines and articles (other than those required for everyday studies) brought to the school are liable to be confiscated.    
  3. Students are advised not to bring valuable things. The school will not be responsible for any goods lost.    
  4. Students should submit the application for leave a day in advance. It should be countersigned by the guardians/parents.    
  5. The students must come in school uniform.They must be neat, clean and tidy    
  6. Students should obey the house captains and other students on duty.    
  7. It is an offence to leave the class without a class pass.    
  8. The students are not allowed to leave the school in working hours unless the person, whose signature is on the admission form and on the school diary, comes in person or sends in his written application.    
  9. Students should observe regular and punctual attendance.    
  10. Students must do the class work and home work assigned to them by the teachers.     
  11. Students should not indulge in destructive activities. Any loss or damage caused to the school's property due to such activities shall have to be made good by the students responsible therefore.
Contact Us ↓

CCL, P.O - Kedla, PS - Mandu,
Distt.-Ramgarh (JH) - 825325

Ph. - 7292971121
E-mail : davkedla@gmail.com
Website : www.davkedla.in

Affiliation No.-3430105

School No:66300

UDISE NO: 20241208510

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